Water Quality Control Commission Hearing on Produced Water Rule

The public hearings continue on the proposed changes to the allowable uses of liquid waste from oil and gas operations.  This waste is referred to as produced water, but it is not something anyone would want to drink or put on crops.  Although the waste can be treated to remove a variety of contaminants, including forever chemicals that poisoned a dairy farm in eastern New Mexico, the rule does not require criteria to assure treated waste is safe.  GPNM calls on the Commission to reject the proposed rule change.

The hearing is currently scheduled to continue each day from Monday, August 5 through Friday, August 9, from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m., with a lunch break expected each day.  The hearing is also scheduled from the 12th through the 14th; it is unclear if those days are open to public comment.  To sign up for public comment, contact WQCC Administrator Pamela Jones to sign up to speak at pamela.jones@env.nm.gov or 505-660-4305.  Comments should be limited to three minutes.  In-person comment will be at the State Capitol, Room 322, 411 S. Capitol St. in Santa Fe.  To attend the hearing virtually, used the following link and meeting number:


Meeting Number 2632 753 1827

Agua es la vida.


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