Tag: officers

  • Green Party of New Mexico Call for Candidates

    Call for Green Party Candidates!

    Take your public service to another level. Green Party of New Mexico has officer positions open for 2019-2020.

    If you are a registered member of the Green Party and want to help challenge the two-party duopoly, please consider running for office.

    Positions include:

    • Co-chairs
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Green Party National Representative

    Please contact GPNM before April 1, 2019, if you want to run for office.

  • Sign Up for Phonebanking for Greens!

    Please sign up for phonebanking

    for Greens in Ohio, Michigan, and New York (important ballot access states).

    There’s still time left to help – sign up here to get started (http://goo.gl/6vHLhn) .

    Or e-mail: ccc@gp.org with Phonebanking in the subject line

    Green campaigns need your help right now.

    Would you please volunteer to help our campaigns (http://goo.gl/6vHLhn) in critical ballot access states? We need more callers, especially in Ohio and Flint, MI. You can make a big difference by volunteering to support these campaigns today. Help us Power Up Green to Get Out The Vote!

    You can volunteer for one or more of the following candidates:
    * Howie Hawkins (Governor – NY)
    * Constance Gadell-Newton (Governor – OH)
    * Sherry A Wells (State Board of Education – MI)

    Please sign up here (http://goo.gl/6vHLhn) and we will get you started making GOTV calls to keep New York, Ohio and Michigan GREEN! Thanks to all who are able to help!