Tag: convention

  • 2020 Annual Meeting/Convention

    The 2020 GPNM Annual Meeting/Convention is planned for Saturday, April 25, 1:00 p. m. to 4:00 p. m. in the Community Room in LaFarge Library in Santa Fe. WE ANTICIPATE PUBLIC GATHERING RESTRICTIONS. Teleconferencing 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m.

    NOTE:  Must be registered Green continuously from March 26, 2020 to vote at convention.  If you want to run for office, please contact GPNM by April 18, 2020.

    Agenda items include

    • 2020 GPNM Platform Discussion and Adoption
    • Candidates for Public Office
    • GPNM Officer Elections
    • Rules amendment and modification of social media protocol
    • Other business to come before the convention
    C.  Proposed amendment to §V-B-i of the Rules & Regulations:
    Current language:
    Membership: A Member of the Green Party of New Mexico is considered a member of the Local in which the person is registered to vote.
    Proposed language (Italics indicates new language.):
    Membership: A Member of the Green Party of New Mexico is considered a member of the Local in which the person is registered to vote.  A Member may affiliate with another Local or County party for the purposes of voting and holding local or county party office as long as there is no approved Local or County party where the Member is registered to vote or legally resides.
  • Immediate Call for GREEN​ PARTY of NEW MEXICO!

    To fill state position as:​ ​SECRETARY

    TERM: remainder of 2019 Board

    • Do you excel at note-taking or data entry?
    • Do you want to become more involved in your State of New Mexico Green Party?

    If this sounds like you, please email/mail through info below:


    Or mail to:
    GPNM — Secretary Position
    PO Box 40033
    Albuquerque, NM 87196

  • GPAMA Annual/Meeting Convention

    When: March 16, 2019

    Time: 11:30AM to 1:30 PM

    Where: Chello Grill, 5010 Cutler Ave. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 (San Mateo & I-40)


  • Green Party of Taos County Annual Convention

    The Green Party of Taos County is holding its Annual County Convention on Saturday March 23, 2019 from 2 to 4PM at SOMOS. Please plan to attend this convention and take part in the important discussion and decision-making process of your Party regarding election of new officers, goals for the year as well as delegates and proposals to bring to state convention.

    When: March 23, 2019

    Time: 2 to 4PM

    Where: SOMOS, 108 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

    Questions? email: info@greenpartytaos.org or call: 575.779.9445

  • Green Party of New Mexico Annual Convention

    The Green Party of New Mexico announces their annual convention to be held on Saturday, April 13, 2019.

    The Green Party of New Mexico state meeting and convention will be held Saturday, April 13, 2019, from 11:45am until 2:45pm. at the Oliver LaFarge Library, 1730 Llano Street in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

    Map: https://goo.gl/maps/GL6EqBAU5gt

    The agenda is as follows:
    1) call to order
    2) seat delegates
    3) establish quorum
    4) additions to the agenda
    5) approval of the Green Council minutes from February meeting
    6) officers report
    6.1) treasurer
    6.2) National representative
    7) other national committee/caucus reports
    8) local reports
    8.1) GPTC (15 minutes)
    8.2) GPAMA (15 minutes)
    9) Solar workshop (15 minutes)
    lunch break
    10) results of legislative session
    11) GPNM officers elections
    11.1) Co-Chairs
    11.2) Secretary
    11.3) National Committee representatives
    12) 2019 candidates for public office
    13) 2019 action plan
    14) other business
    15) announcements
    16) adjournment