
  • Peace Actions August 9, 2024

    In Santa Fe, on the Plaza, at 11:00 a. m.:

    In ABQ, if you want to help out Demand Nuclear Abolition (formerly Nuclear Issues Study Group), enjoy the the fundraising event at 7pm.

  • Webinars August 6 and 7, 2024

    Never Again!: Remembering the Atomic Bombings of
    Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    This GPAX webinar is Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 5:30 MDT on Zoom.  Register at

    GPAX will present a webinar on the growing danger of global nuclear war resulting from expanding regional conflicts involving the U.S.

    Panelists* will address the history of the nuclear weapons threat starting with the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks and growing through the Cold War until the current period of extreme danger.  The Doomsday Clock is now set to 90 seconds before midnight.

    * Madelyn Hoffman, John LaForge, Gerry Condon, Ann Suellentrop, and Haig Hovaness


    Registration for Free Speech on Trial! on Wednesday, August 7, 6:30 pm MDT is also on Zoom.


  • Nuclear Agency Town Hall in Santa Fe

    The National Nuclear Safety Administration with the Office of Environmental Management will hold a Town Hall on Monday, July 22, 6:00 p. m., at the Hilton, 20 Buffalo Thunder Trail, Santa Fe. The DoE/National Nuclear Security Administration will present clean-up priorities. There will be a Q & A.

  • Peace Activists on Trial in Otero County

    Holloman 6 Anti-Drone Defendants Need Your Support!
    Please show Solidarity if you can:   PACK THE VIRTUAL COURT!
    In April, 32 people gathered to participate in all or part of Shut Down Drone Warfare week, at Holloman AFB, in Southern New Mexico, where hundreds of pilots and operators are trained annually to become remote drone assassins. The week of protest culminated on April 24, in a peaceful blockade to nonviolently interrupt the illegal and immoral US Drone Training Program.  Six people were arrested and charged with “blocking the road” to the two main commuter gates, but the defendants’ intent was to block the criminal activities that occur at the base daily with impunity.
    July 17, 10am MT, Defendant Ray Cage, SENTENCING HEARING; Judge Katie G. Lund, Public Defender John Miller 
    Plea:  No Contest
    July 17, 11:30am MT, Defendant John Reese, TRIAL:   Judge James S. Jones, (This is a tentative date that could change. Details and confirmation will come later)
    Plea:  Not Guilty
    (US) +1 423-720-0070  PIN:  557 712 152#
    NEW DATE:  July 22, Tuesday, 3pm MT, Defendant Toby BloméTRIAL;  (This is a tentative date that could change. Details and confirmation will come later), Judge Jimmy C. Foster, Pro Se (defending herself)
    August 7 (Time TBD)Defendant Natasha Robinson, HEARING/TRIAL;  (This is a tentative date that could change.
  • Freedom Fest Presidential Candidate Debate

    Jill Stein will be on the debate stage at Caesars Forum Las Vegas, Nevada, on Friday, July 12, 6:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. (MDT).  Register for Livestream on Rumble or view on C-SPAN.  The event is sponsored by Free & Equal Foundation.

  • Native America Calling on KUNM, Tue Jul 2 11am MDT, 800-996-2848. Support Stein.

    We think Jill Stein will be on the program today with Cornel West and Robert Kennedy. It is a call-in show; please show your support for Stein. KUNM is at 89.9 FM in the ABQ metro area.  Find local coverage in NM.  You can also stream on line at  Learn more at

  • GPNM domain co-opted for text messages.

    An unknown entity co-opted our domain name and sent text messages with a link to one of our blog posts.  One message was send in the morning and another this evening.  GPNM did not send those messages, and we do not know who received them.  The sender used the following telephone number:  505.391.3043.  That is neither GPNM nor related to the referenced party in the post.

  • Presidential Candidate Debate, July 12

    Free & Equal Elections will host a debate with presidential candidates on July 12.  Jill Stein is expected to be among the participants.  Invitees are those candidates expected to be on the ballot in enough states that there is a mathematical possibily of obtaining an Electoral College majority.  We’ll update with the viewing link when it is available.

  • March on RNC and DNC

    The Poor People’s Army (Economic Human Rights Campaign) will march on the Republican (July 15, Milwaukee) and Democratic National Conventions (August 19, Chicago) this summer.  For more information about this and how to support this campaign, check

  • Challenging Empire Webinar with Jill Stein

    Join Jill Stein, Ajamu Baraka, and Greens from across the country for a webinar on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 6:30 p. m. MDT.  Register in advance on Zoom:

    Election concerns include abortion rights, increased use of fossil fuels, vicious attacks on immigrants, and the bipartisan dumping of Medicare-for-All. But what takes center stage is US encouragement of Israeli’s slaughter of Palestinians. Democrats are working overtime to keep the Green Party off the ballot so they can prevent a serious discussion of peace. Join us on July 3 to hear from Ajamu Baraka and state Green Party representatives from the West, South, Midwest and Northeast. Most of all, hear from Jill Stein regarding America’s increased entanglement in international violence. Remember: You can’t stop Never-ending Wars by voting for never-ending warriors.