GPUS Statement on Gaza and Israel
Green Party condemns attacks on civilians in Israel and Gaza and calls for immediate ceasefire.
The Green Party of the United States condemns the targeted attacks on civilians in the recent wave of violence in Gaza and Israel. We call for an immediate ceasefire, an immediate end to the invasion and occupation of Gaza, and a halt to all military and foreign aid to Israel. We urge our government to join with the U.N. to secure Israel’s complete withdrawal to the 1967 boundaries in compliance with international law.
Read full statement here.
Ballot Access AZ and UTAH
Please help these two western states with GP ballot access. November deadlines await. THANK YOU. and
Graphic Designer Sought
The Coordinated Campaign Committee of the Green Party of the United States seeks a graphic designer to add some visually-appealing elements to its annual “Call For Candidates” web page. Interested applicants please send a bio and recent samples of graphic design work to CCC@GP.ORG by October 15, 2023. Please direct questions to Scott Laugenour, Co-Chair Coordinated Campaign Committee at CCC@GP.ORGThe graphic designer will work with the web administrator of the Green Party of the United States and with the Coordinated Campaign Committee on the project. Project completion date November 5, 2023.Project budget: $300The approved outline of the web page is as follows:-
CCC will produce a web page with the following website outline, in a visually appealing manner, for the Green Party US “Call for Candidates 2024” website page;
“Run with the party that these candidates candidates chose to make a difference in 2024, The Green Party”: Presidential candidates vying for presidential nomination [approved by PCSC/candidates achieving provisional acceptance in 2023 and full acceptance in 2024/ and provide link to PCSC website]; Congressional Candidate; State Level Candidate; Local Candidate(s). [include some future candidates, very recent winning candidates, and non-winning candidates who demonstrated excellence and will run again] [photos and bios]
Join the community of Green officeholders [who have made or are making a difference over the years. [long-tenured dedicated Green office holders] [several photos and bios]
How to Run for Office …. [Tips for deciding which office to run for] [Link to state party websites election pages, when available]
Link to Elections Database
Link to the GPUS Candidates network home page
Union Solidarity Panel
Thursday, September 14, 6:30 pm. UNM SUB Ballroom A. Join labor leaders in a discussion of worker solidarity.
Ballot Access ARIZONA
Greens in Arizona are collecting signatures for 2024 ballot access and could use your help.
Please go to for more information. THANK YOU.
2023 GPUS ANM & Fundraiser with LEE CAMP
The 2023 GPUS Annual National Meeting will be virtual from August 3 through August 6. Register here.
Here is the agenda.
Join the on-line fundraiser with comedian LEE CAMP on August 5, 7pm MDT. There is a special Meet & Greet at 6pm MDT. Get your tickets here
Albuquerque Peace Festival
Please try to support this amazing event by downloading and distributing the flyer and attending on August 5, 2pm, Roosevelt Park, 500 Spruce Street SE in ABQ. Check out the web site for more information.
TBDC Events in Las Cruces and Santa Fe
Please support the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium at these events if you are in the area.
Las Cruces, July 15th
TBDC Art Exhibit and CLV 2023 flyer
Santa Fe, July 16th